by matt | Dec 1, 2015 | All Videos, Artwork, Housewares, Project Videos
I made a bunch of Christmas lawn ornament candy canes out of scrap wood.
by matt | Nov 29, 2015 | All Videos, Project Videos
I can’t believe it has been one year since I posted my first video on the Awesome Wood Things YouTube Channel! Whoo Hooo! Thank you to everyone who supported me. I have a lot of great ideas for more awesome projects. Stick around!
by matt | Nov 26, 2015 | All Videos, Artwork, Project Videos
I made some arrows for the “arrow of light” Cub Scout award. The arrowheads and feathers were cut on my CNC machine. The rest of the project used other tools to shape the wood.
by matt | Nov 18, 2015 | All Videos, Housewares, Project Videos
It’s a shelf. It’s small. A tiny TARDIS covers the unsightly screw hole and the shelf is the exact size of the items that will be placed on it. Link to my performance at the dance competition where I won this trophy:...
by matt | Nov 13, 2015 | All Videos, Tools/Tips
My bit kept falling out of my X-CARVE DeWalt 611 router. The problem was the Reduction Bushing… which appears to have a major design flaw. Here’s a link to the good Reduction Bushing:...